04 Dec 2023

Landscape work of Noor mahal cafe, Bahawalpur

Noor Mahal Cafe, Bahawalpur: Enchanting Landscape Oasis

We are thrilled to unveil the breathtaking transformation of the landscape surrounding Noor Mahal Cafe in Bahawalpur. This project is a testament to our commitment to creating a captivating and inviting outdoor space for patrons to enjoy.

Project Highlights:

  1. Cafe Courtyard: The heart of the transformation lies in the cafe courtyard, where carefully curated landscaping elements harmonize with the historic charm of Noor Mahal. This oasis offers a serene escape for coffee enthusiasts and visitors.

  2. Botanical Diversity: Immerse yourself in a rich tapestry of botanical diversity. A thoughtfully selected array of plants, flowers, and shrubs adds color, fragrance, and texture to the surroundings, creating a truly enchanting atmosphere.

  3. Al Fresco Seating: Embracing the concept of al fresco dining, the landscaping incorporates stylish and comfortable seating areas. Patrons can now enjoy their meals or beverages surrounded by nature’s beauty.

  4. Water Features: A subtle play of water features, including fountains or cascading elements, adds a soothing soundtrack to the ambiance. These features serve as focal points, creating a tranquil environment.

  5. Nighttime Elegance: The landscaping is artfully illuminated during the evenings, providing a magical ambiance for nighttime visitors. Soft lighting enhances key features, ensuring an inviting and elegant atmosphere.

Cultural Integration:

The landscaping design pays homage to Bahawalpur’s rich cultural heritage, seamlessly integrating elements inspired by the regal history of Noor Mahal.

Community Hub:

Noor Mahal Cafe’s new landscape design positions it as not only a culinary destination but also a community hub where locals and visitors can come together in a delightful outdoor setting.

Future Visions:

As we celebrate the success of this transformative project, our team is already envisioning future enhancements. This may include seasonal updates, community events, and additional greenery to continually elevate the cafe’s outdoor experience.

04 Dec 2023

Landscape work of Abbotabad Jadoon

Jadoon, Abbottabad: Transformative Landscape Project

We are thrilled to unveil the completion of a transformative landscaping project in the picturesque Jadoon area of Abbottabad. This endeavor is designed to enhance the natural beauty of the region while providing residents and visitors with a captivating outdoor experience.

Project Highlights:

  1. Natural Integration: The landscaping project prioritizes the seamless integration of natural elements, blending indigenous flora and fauna to complement the scenic surroundings of Jadoon.

  2. Sustainable Design: Our commitment to sustainability is evident in the use of environmentally friendly materials, water-efficient irrigation systems, and energy-saving lighting solutions.

  3. Scenic Pathways: A network of thoughtfully designed pathways invites residents to explore the beauty of Jadoon, offering a serene environment for walking, jogging, or simply enjoying the outdoors.

  4. Green Spaces: The introduction of lush green spaces and pocket gardens creates inviting spots for relaxation, community gatherings, and appreciation of the local flora.

  5. Artistic Features: Incorporating artistic elements enhances the visual appeal of Jadoon. Sculptures, installations, and other creative features contribute to the cultural richness of the area.

Community Involvement:

This project is a collaboration with the local community, and we extend our gratitude to the residents of Jadoon for their input and support. Community engagement sessions were held to ensure that the landscaping aligns with the preferences and aspirations of the people who call this area home.

Future Plans:

As we celebrate the completion of this initial phase, we are already planning future enhancements. These may include additional recreational facilities, community events, and ongoing maintenance to preserve the beauty of Jadoon.

04 Dec 2023

Desigining & Execution of PMR, Bahawalpur

Project Overview: Designing & Execution of PMR, Bahawalpur

Welcome to the innovative project of designing and executing the Presidential Model Railway (PMR) in the historic city of Bahawalpur. This ambitious venture combines precision engineering, aesthetic design, and historical significance to create a unique and captivating experience for residents and visitors alike.

Design Features:

  1. Historical Accuracy: The PMR in Bahawalpur is meticulously designed to reflect historical accuracy. Every detail, from locomotives to landscapes, pays homage to the rich railway heritage of the region.

  2. Aesthetic Landscaping: The surroundings of the PMR are thoughtfully landscaped to complement the railway setting. Lush greenery, carefully placed structures, and thematic elements contribute to an immersive and visually pleasing environment.

  3. Interactive Elements: The design incorporates interactive elements to engage visitors of all ages. From miniature stations to educational exhibits, the PMR serves as both an entertainment destination and a learning experience.

Execution Excellence:

  1. Precision Engineering: The execution of the PMR project involves precision engineering to ensure the seamless operation of the miniature railway. Tracks, signaling systems, and train models are crafted with meticulous attention to detail.

  2. Quality Materials: Only high-quality materials are used in the construction of the PMR, ensuring durability and longevity. This commitment to quality reflects our dedication to creating a lasting attraction for the Bahawalpur community.

  3. Safety Standards: The execution phase prioritizes safety standards. From secure railings to well-maintained tracks, every aspect is designed to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for visitors.

Community Engagement:

The PMR project is not just a spectacle; it’s a community asset. We encourage community engagement through:

  • Educational Programs: Hosting programs and workshops to educate visitors, especially students, about the history and mechanics of railways.

  • Events and Festivals: Organizing events and festivals around the PMR, creating a vibrant and lively atmosphere for residents and tourists.

Benefits for Bahawalpur:

  • Tourist Attraction: The PMR is poised to become a key tourist attraction, drawing visitors to explore Bahawalpur’s cultural and historical offerings.

  • Economic Impact: The project contributes to the local economy by attracting tourists, fostering business growth, and creating job opportunities.

  • Cultural Heritage: By showcasing the region’s rich railway heritage, the PMR project contributes to the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage.

Future Developments:

As the PMR project unfolds, we remain committed to continuous improvement. Future developments may include expansions, additional thematic elements, and community-driven initiatives to further enrich the overall experience.

We invite the Bahawalpur community to embark on a journey through time and heritage at the Presidential Model Railway.

21 Nov 2023

Horticulture work of Pak Residencia Jhang

Project Details: Pak Residencia Jhang – Horticulture Work


Welcome to Pak Residencia Jhang, where our commitment to creating a harmonious living environment extends to meticulous horticulture practices. Our horticulture work is an integral part of the project, contributing to the aesthetic appeal, environmental sustainability, and overall well-being of the community.

Key Features:

  1. Lush Green Spaces: Pak Residencia Jhang is adorned with carefully designed green spaces, featuring a variety of indigenous and ornamental plants. These lush areas provide residents with serene surroundings and a connection to nature.

  2. Floral Diversity: Our horticulture work showcases a diverse range of flowers, shrubs, and trees, creating a vibrant and visually appealing landscape throughout the project. We believe in enhancing the beauty of the community with a rich tapestry of colors and textures.

  3. Environmental Sustainability: The horticulture practices at Pak Residencia Jhang prioritize sustainability. From water-efficient irrigation systems to eco-friendly landscaping techniques, we are dedicated to minimizing our environmental impact.

  4. Recreational Gardens: Enjoy leisurely strolls or find a peaceful spot to relax in our thoughtfully designed recreational gardens. These spaces are meticulously maintained, providing residents with a tranquil escape within the community.

  5. Community Engagement: We encourage community involvement in our horticulture initiatives. Residents have the opportunity to participate in gardening clubs, workshops, and events, fostering a sense of pride and ownership in the green spaces around them.

With sprawling lawns, vibrant gardens, and thoughtful recreational facilities, this park is designed to be the pulse of the community. It’s a space for laughter, play, relaxation, and celebration. Whether you’re taking a leisurely stroll, enjoying a family picnic, or joining in on community events, DHA Community Park Sector U is the perfect backdrop for life’s moments.

Come, be a part of this vibrant community, and let the beauty of nature and the warmth of your neighbors embrace you. DHA Community Park Sector U: Where nature meets community, and life meets leisure.

03 Nov 2023

Landscape work of Eithad Supreme housing society jhang

Discover Eithad Supreme Housing Society 

Welcome to Etihad Supreme Housing Society, where AA Landscape Developer has worked its magic to create stunning green belts and roundabouts. Our dedication to beauty and sustainability has transformed these spaces into vibrant, eco-friendly oases for all residents to enjoy. Explore the elegance of our landscaping work and experience the difference.

Canal Park Mandi Bahudin: Where the tranquil embrace of nature meets the heartwarming unity of community. Discover the magic where life flows and memories bloom along the canal’s serene waters.


We Know about our abilities

Our landscape division has many years of experience in all phases of landscaping and our customer focused approach makes the landscape experience just that, an experience.We want our customers to be there from the moment we get to the job until the end of the job so that they can have as much input in the project as possible.

30 Jul 2015

DHA Multan Community Park

AA Landscape & Developer: Transforming DHA Multan Sector H Community Park

At AA Landscape & Developer, our passion for creating awe-inspiring outdoor spaces has found its canvas in the DHA Multan Sector H Community Park. We are delighted to share what we’ve contributed to this magnificent park to make it a unique and inviting destination for the community.

Soft and Hard Landscaping
Nature and Structure in Perfect Harmony

Our journey in shaping the DHA Multan Sector H Community Park began with the concept of merging nature’s grace with architectural precision. We’ve meticulously curated soft and hard landscaping elements to craft a stunning outdoor environment. Our Contributions Include:
Lush Gardens:
We’ve designed and cultivated lush gardens adorned with a vibrant tapestry of flora, transforming the park into a natural paradise.
Pathways and Hardscapes:
Our team has created elegant walkways and hardscapes that provide structure and facilitate exploration within the park.
Outdoor Seating:
We’ve installed comfortable seating areas throughout the park, allowing residents to relax and immerse themselves in the park’s beauty. .

Celebrating Nature’s Beauty with Architectural Artistry – Where the Vision of AA Landscape & Developer Meets the Heart of the Community!

Mr Yasir (CEO AA Landscape)

Irrigation and Maintenance
Sustaining the Beauty for Generations

To ensure the long-lasting beauty and vitality of the DHA Multan Sector H Community Park, we’ve incorporated efficient irrigation systems and offer comprehensive maintenance services. These measures guarantee that the park remains a vibrant and welcoming space for years to come.

22 Jul 2015

DHA Multan Glow Park Sector H

Our Landscaping Masterpiece: Glow Park DHA MULTAN Sector H

Welcome to Glow Park, a shining testament to the landscaping artistry of AA Landscape Developers. Our commitment to creating natural sanctuaries and enriching urban environments is vividly on display in this exquisite project.

Captivating Garden Designs

Our journey in crafting Glow Park began with captivating garden designs that have transformed the park into an oasis of color and serenity. Each flowerbed, each tree, and every winding pathway was meticulously planned and planted to create a visual spectacle.

Celebrating the beauty of nature and the power of visionary landscaping, Glow Park DHA MULTAN Sector H is a testament to our commitment to create living canvases that inspire, refresh, and unite communities. It’s not just a park; it’s a living masterpiece that reflects our dedication to redefining green spaces for the betterment of our world.

Muhammad Yasir ( Founder & CEO)

Blossoming Floral Gardens

Our dedication to showcasing the beauty of nature is mirrored in the blossoming floral gardens that grace the park. Throughout the seasons, these gardens burst into life with vibrant colors, engaging the senses and inviting visitors to connect with nature.

Tranquil Water Features

The park’s atmosphere of tranquility is heightened by the gentle sounds of flowing water from serene fountains and water features. These additions offer both a visual and auditory treat, contributing to the park’s overall soothing ambiance.

Functional and Versatile Spaces

Glow Park isn’t just a place of beauty; it’s designed to be a versatile space for all. Whether you’re seeking a peaceful escape from the city, a place to connect with nature, or a beautiful backdrop for special events, Glow Park delivers on every front.

Sustainable Landscaping Practices

Our commitment to sustainable landscaping practices is evident throughout the park. We’ve embraced eco-friendly principles to ensure that the park not only looks stunning but also minimizes its environmental impact.

A Living Showcase of Our Expertise

Glow Park stands as a living showcase of our expertise at AA Landscape Developers. Every tree, every flower, and every design element is a testament to our dedication to crafting outdoor spaces that enrich lives and urban environments.

Experience Glow Park Today

We invite you to visit Glow Park, where you can experience firsthand the magic of our landscaping work. We’re not just creating parks; we’re crafting vibrant, sustainable environments for you to enjoy.

22 Jul 2015

DHA Multan Community Park Sector U

Introducing DHA Community Park Sector U

Nestled within the heart of DHA, Sector U welcomes you to a serene haven of greenery and community spirit. DHA Community Park Sector U is not just a park; it’s a place where neighbors become friends, where nature welcomes you with open arms, and where cherished memories are made. With sprawling lawns, vibrant gardens, and thoughtful recreational facilities, this park is designed to be the pulse of the community. It’s a space for laughter, play, relaxation, and celebration. Whether you’re taking a leisurely stroll, enjoying a family picnic, or joining in on community events, DHA Community Park Sector U is the perfect backdrop for life’s moments. Come, be a part of this vibrant community, and let the beauty of nature and the warmth of your neighbors embrace you. DHA Community Park Sector U: Where nature meets community, and life meets leisure.

22 Jul 2015

Canal Park Mandi Bahudin

Discover Canal Park Mandi Bahudin

Nestled amidst the picturesque surroundings of Mandi Bahauddin, Canal Park is a natural jewel that beckons you to experience the beauty of the outdoors. This is where the tranquil waters of the canal meet the vibrant energy of a community park.

Canal Park Mandi Bahudin isn’t just a park; it’s a gateway to the great outdoors, a hub of recreational activities, and a place where memories are created.

With sprawling green lawns, scenic walkways, and a serene canal that runs through the park, this place offers a unique blend of nature’s serenity and man-made charm. It’s the perfect setting for family outings, picnics, leisurely walks, and community gatherings.

Come and explore the lush beauty of Canal Park, where the canal’s gentle waters inspire tranquility, and the park’s vibrant atmosphere invites you to connect with nature and your community. Canal Park Mandi Bahudin: Where nature flows, and life flourishes.

Nature is the ultimate masterpiece, and our role as landscapers is to unveil its beauty to the world.


We Know about our abilities

Our landscape division has many years of experience in all phases of landscaping and our customer focused approach makes the landscape experience just that, an experience.We want our customers to be there from the moment we get to the job until the end of the job so that they can have as much input in the project as possible.